Origami for beginners

From  the Japanese words of ‘ori’ to fold, and ‘kami’ meaning ‘paper’, origami is a traditional Japanese art form.

It uses the technique of folding paper to create an almost infinite variety of decorative and representational forms: from lucky cranes, to boats, butterflies and boxes.

Everyone can become an artist, with a little bit of paper folding practice.

All of The Brain Charity’s activities are free to anyone affected by a neurological condition (whether yourself, a family member or someone you care for).

To take part, please click the sign-up button today. Someone from The Brain Charity will then be in touch to complete your registration.

For more information, email activities@thebraincharity.org.uk or call us on 0151 298 2999.

Reserve your free place

Date Wednesday, 26th April, 2023
Starts 15:00
Ends 16:00
Venue  The Brain Charity
Address Norton Street
L3 8LR