Matthew’s autism story: “I’m often treated differently, but not working at The Brain Charity”
Matthew, who is 21 and is autistic, has worked as an assistant in The Brain Food Café since October 2019.
He said working in The Brain Charity’s Brain Food Café – developing catering skills and dealing with members of the public – has greatly improved his confidence.
Matthew said: “I feel happy working at The Brain Food Café and like it here because I get to meet new people every day.
“I had problems growing up and was more shy before, but I have got more confident since I started working here.
“Now I am learning as I go, I feel comfortable taking people’s orders and have made great friends both with staff and with customers.”
More than 60% of The Brain Charity’s staff, and 80% of our volunteers, have a neurological condition.
The job at The Brain Charity was Matthew’s first paid role, having previously completed a college course and supported internship.
He added: “Sometimes people like me with a learning difficulty are treated differently, but not here.
“Knowing other people that work here have conditions has helped me settle in.”
Categories: Employment, Volunteering
Published: 15 March 2021